Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Cheat Dragon City Hack Gem Permanent Terbaru Juli Agustus 2012 Tools Cheat Dragon City Hack Gem : Charles [Download] Dragon City Gem Hack Codes [downloads] Langkah Cheat Dragon City Gem Hack : Open it all (dragon city , charles) Collect Gold Find: >dragoncity >web >srv Right Click on "packet.php?USERID=XXXXXXXXXXXXX" then click breakpoints Refresh the game (dont do anything ingame) Collect Money again then Breakpoints will appear Copy the Code from Notepad Highlight the code inside square brackets "[ ]" then paste your code from notepad (ctrl + v) Click Execute, then wait for charles to get error Refresh your game. Enjoy Games!

Senin, 24 Desember 2012

games dragon city

tips-tips mundapatkan rare dragon
1.  Gummy Dragon  :  (sorry that's ane forget what dragon combine. hehe) 
Element  : + electric plant 
laying Time  Gummy Dragon  = 8 hours 
 Gummy3.png Gummy Dragon Egg.png
Cactus + Chameleon
Tropical + Star
Laser + Dandelion 

2.  Cool Fire Dragon:
Element  : Fire + Ice 
Time laying  Cool Fire Dragon  = 4 hours 
Screen-capture.png Cool Fire Dragon Egg.png 
combination  : 
Volcano + Alpine  
Laser + Dandelion 
+ Alpine Medieval 

3.  Armadillo Dragon
Element  : Earth + Metal 
Armadillo3.png  Armadillo Dragon egg.png 
Waterfall + Zombie 
+ Alpine Medieval

4.  Pirate Dragon 
Element:  Water + Dark 
Time laying  Pirate Dragon  = 15 hours
Neon + Nenufar
Mud Hedgehog + 
Waterfall + Venom

5. Soccer Dragon
Element:  Fire + Ice 
Time laying Soccer  Dragon  = 12 hours
S dragon Trnspt.png
Flaming Rock + Snowflake
Volcano + Alpine

6.  Petroleum Dragon
Element  : Water + Dark 
Time laying  Petroleum Dragon = 12 hours
combination  :
Neon + Nenufar
Strom + Neon 
+ Lantern Fish Carnivore Plant

7. Poo Dragon 
Time laying  Poo Dragon = 14 hours
combination  : 
Petroleum Mud +
Hedegehog +  Water 

Special Breed:
Alpine + Medieval =  Armadillo ,  CoolFire ,  Soccer , Pearl, Flamming Rock 

With combine medieval alpine + we can get a rare dragon with a probability of 60%. 
Nevertheless there remains 40% of them can not be rare dragon. 
First time I combine medieval dragon + apline is I do not get rare dragon but just can flamming rock .. hehe luck. 

ini contoh gambar-gambar telur-telur dragon

kombinasi dari rare dragon

dragon dragon ini bisa didapatkan dengan menggabungkan rare dragon +rare dragon biasanya mendapatkan dragon ini bergantung dengan keberuntungan tetapi degan menggunakan breeding bost biasa nya kalian dapat yang bagus bagus

Legendary Dragon -  Rare + Rare 
Sprite 620001.png 

Crystal Dragon - Coolfire + Soccer

Mirror Dragon -Rare + Rare

Wind Dragon - Rare+ Rare 

Pure dragon is a super rare. 
ust like the legend you have to have the luck dragon. This dragon has a shape like a unicorn. To be able to combine 2 mendaptkannya dragon legend.

431 557 406,091,796,114,761 1566296204 n.jpg 

Example : Legendary + Legendary
               Legendary + Crystal
               Wind + Mirror
Info : Pure dragon can not necessarily be obtained by 1x try.

Pure Fire Dragon

Pure Fire.png 
Dragons can be obtained from Pure Dragon + Fire Dragon. Dragon takes 48 hours to get married, and 48 hours to spawn. 

Pure Water Dragon
Dragon can be obtained from Pure Water Dragon + Dragon. Dragon takes 48 hours to get married, and 48 hours to spawn. 

Pure Earth Dragon 
Dragon can be obtained from Pure Earth Dragon + Dragon. Dragon takes 48 hours to get married, and 48 hours to spawn. 

Pure Plant Dragon 

Dragons can be obtained from Pure Dragon Dragon + Plant. Dragon takes 48 hours to get married, and 48 hours to spawn. 

Pure Electric Dragon
Pure Electric Dragon.jpg 
Dragon can be obtained from Pure Electric Dragon + Dragon. Dragon takes 48 hours to get married, and 48 hours to spawn. 

Pure Metal Dragon
Pure Metal 3.jpg 
Dragon can be obtained from Pure Metal Dragon + Dragon , and from the Wheel of Fortune  8-11 October 2012   Naga takes 48 hours to get married, and 48 hours to laying. 

Pure Ice Dragon

Pure Ice Dragon.png 

Dragons can be obtained from Pure Dragon + Ice Dragon, and of Wheel of Fortune 8-11 October 2012 Naga takes 48 hours to get married, and 48 hours to spawn.

Pure Dark Dragon 
Pure Dark Dragon.png 
Dragon can be obtained from Pure Dragon + Dark Dragon , and of  Wheel of Fortune  8-11 October 2012   Naga takes 48 hours to get married, and 48 hours to spawn. 

social empier tips

Tips and tricks to play it safe on the Game Social Empires

1. Understand the type of game by game ane Social Empires is a game belonging to the user should be fierce, probably already know all my friend because if we do boosting games terdetaksi the SE did not hesitate Why kick us out of the game and while there is still no word of apology of SE. 
2. Never Cheat piece we did change the "cash form the 00" and then we took everything we had better take a little but often, it would be safer. 
3. If you want to buy something better Cash Cheat Permanent first and we buy what we want "Cheat Cash get 50 Permanent" is 1000% work by ane there's no limit. 
4. Create a reserve account if we want to do that has not been proven Cheat keamananya do diakun proficiency level.   
5. If we are going to emulate a cheat of a Video noticed if after doing cheat at video games that have no refresh "is important for all games." 

texsas holdem poker tips
To be a truly great Texas Hold 'Em Poker player, you need to be able to read your opponents, ascertaining when they are bluffing and then they really have a solid hand. But learning some basic strategies and general rules will go a long way toward making sure you can at least hold your own in a friendly game.
Two Things to Always Remember
It may seem silly to be reminded of the following fundamental facts, but it's surprising how often players get swept up in the excitement of the game and forget the basics.
So, always remember these two things:
1. The two cards you hold are the only cards that set you apart from the other players and give you the chance to win.
2. All of the face-up cards are community cards, shared by you and every other player. It's vital that you focus on what those cards could mean to someone else at least as much as you focus on what they mean to you. In particular, keep your eyes open for your opponents' straight and flush possibilities.
Evaluating Your Cards
Usually, the first decision you make in a hand of Texas Hold 'Em Poker happens with your only knowledge being what your two cards are.
When you look at your cards, be careful not to reveal anything with your reaction -- facial or otherwise. Taking a sharp breath, no matter how quietly you do it, can tell a wily opponent all he needs to know to have an advantage over you. Keyword: emotionless.
How do you know if your cards are good?
It depends in part on how many players are in the game, but a general rule is that you should seriously consider folding before the flop if you have two non-pair cards, both less than 10. A more conservative player might fold if just one of the cards is less than 10; a more aggressive player might stay in with, for example, an 8 and 9 of the same suit (because those cards give you decent possibilities for a straight or a flush).
If the big blind (a forced bet designed to ensure that every hand has a pot) is low enough, it may be worthwhile to pay in so that you can see the flop even if you don't have particularly strong cards in your hand. But don't abuse this exception to the rule -- it can get you into trouble more quickly than you imagine.
A lot of Texas Hold 'Em strategy is based on the cards in your hand. You must be willing to suffer through a series of poor hands (e.g. 5-8, 2-6, 4-9) without getting impatient. The good hands will come, eventually, and you'll be in better position to take advantage of them if you don't waste your chips trying to get something out of nothing.
The Flop
After seeing the flop, don't be afraid to cut your losses. A common mistake made by novices is to decide, "I'm already in this hand, so I might as well play it out." Wrong.
With seven players at a table, two pair or better will generally be the winning hand. If you don't have the high pair after the flop (e.g. if the flop is K-9-5, the high pair would be two Ks), and you're not in good position for a straight or a flush, you should probably get out of the hand.
However, remember that as the number of players goes down, so does the potential of a strong hand -- so if you're at a table with just two other players, it could pay off to be more aggressive.
If you're first to bet after the flop, don't be afraid to check. This can work to your advantage in two ways. First, if your hand is on the weak side, you might be able to see one more card without having to put more into the pot. Second, if your hand is strong, you could convince an opponent or two that it's weaker than it really is.
Fourth Street and Fifth Street
Also know as The Turn and The River, respectively, the fourth and fifth community cards give you two more chances to either get out of the pot before you lose even more money -- or increase your winnings.
At this point, it's likely there will only be one or two other players still in the pot with you. The best advice here is to be cautious. After fourth street, don't stay in the pot hoping for a straight or flush, unless you can do so on a check (that is, without putting more chips into the pot). Although there will be times when you would have drawn the straight or flush, they will be outweighed by the times you wouldn't.
The bottom line is this: Don't allow yourself to get sucked in too far with a weak hand.
That said, there is a point where the investment you've already made virtually dictates that you hang in there. It's useful to measure this in terms of percentage of your chips. For example, if you've already committed 40% of your chips to the pot, another 5% isn't that much. This is a gray area, so once again the best advice is to be cautious.
Good luck, and have fun!
baseball heroes tips

Baseball Heroes: Tips to Win Matches

Facebook social games have covered almost all genres of gaming, be it strategy, puzzle, role-playing and casual games. The one genre of gaming players were eagerly waiting for was sports. This game fulfilled their dreams. The latest social baseball blockbuster encompasses team management, stadium management and some cool ball-hitting action.
Centered on America’s top outdoor sport, the Facebook game is heavy on social elements. There are also some interesting gameplay, including skill points that can earned and distributed to hit the most home runs, score higher and earn bonuses. If you are not aware of these fun gameplay aspects, then read on to get tips and tricks to get your Baseball Heroes fix:

How to Win Matches

Winning more matches help you to level-up and unlock advanced leagues and seasons. Here are some key tips that will help you win more matches:
1. Make the Most of Special Player Cards
It’s a team game and so you will need players with higher batting average to increase the chances of hits, home runs and ultimately, the score. So why not go for special cards. Of course, you will get a chance to collect some. All you have to do is collect the ranked ones that have a good batting average. I would recommend rank A or S cards if you really want to score more hits. To access special cards, click on the Batter Shop link in the Substitute Box. You might also want to enhance special player cards. Do this to increase their batting skills.
2. Distribute your Skill Points Properly
All three skill statistic mentioned above are crucial for increasing the chances of hits and home runs. Invest your hard-earned skill points wisely. I would recommend distributing points more on contact and luck. This way you will get more hits and may be a lucky Home Run!
3. Team Up with Your Facebook Friends
Make sure you have more friends playing this game. Add them to increase the maximum level boost in batting average. Make sure you have enough friends to be recruited as a full team. In the Lineup box, click on the + sign to add friends and recruit them.
4. Practice Hitting Bases
Make the most of the occasional chances you get to hit the ball. Timing is crucial and so practice batting to ensure you hit maximum bases. Have a look at the mini tips at the bottom of the screen that appears soon after you have missed a shot. They really can be very useful, especially for fast and other pitch styles. The more you hit, the more you score, ultimately helping your team to achieve victory.
5. Arm your Heroes with Special Gear
You will have to spend real cash (Facebook Credits) to buy special gear. Once purchased, you can equip your player with the purchased gear. Alternatively, you can spend in-game coins to buy equipment. BH gear is crucial to increase the Power skill stats.

Match-Winning Tips

Gold and XP Unlocked
Win a Match
You earn 50 Coins and 10 XP
Complete a Match
You earn 100 Coins and 20 XP
Hit 10 Runs and 20 Hits
150 Coins and 25 XP
Achieve 3 or More RBI
100 Coins and 15 XP
Winning more matches help you to level-up and unlock advanced leagues and seasons. Here are some key tips that will help you win more matches.
Special Cards
Special Cards

Tips to Make the Most of Skills and Stat Points

Stat points get accumulated after each successful match win. They can then be distributed into three key skills – Luck, Power and Contact.
Luck: It is the key to increase the chances of getting combo points, which are nothing but points accumulated with every base hit. Combo points, once accumulated, unlock the chances of hitting a home run for your team.
Contact: If you increase Contact skill stats, you get more chances to make a contact with the pitched ball. The more stats, the more the chances of getting your base hits right. When you win a game, distribute at least 40 percent of your stat point on contact skill.
Power: you cannot hit the ball far as long as you don’t have enough points spent on Power skill. The more points spent on Power, the more the chances of increasing the range of your ball hits.
Those were some key tips and hints that will help you score more and get to higher rankings in Baseball Heroes Facebook game. If you have some suggestions or questions, use the comment form below and I will try my best to answer them. Happy Home Run!